Koh Kong, Cardamom Mountains

Explore the best of Cambodia’s natural splendor in this remote Cardamom Forest region

Koh Kong, Cardamom Mountains

Connect with nature and experience off-the-beaten-track adventure through jungle in one of Asia biggest Cardamom rainforests. Explore natural wonder in its truest form in the species-rich Cardamom mountains as it winds through some of Cambodia’s least developed and un-spoilt areas, amidst thick forest, streams and waterfalls.

**How to get there: From Phnom Penh by car (4-hour drive, 275 km). About 50 km (1.30 drive)  from Cham Yeam border to Thailand.

Canvas & Orchids Retreat - The Ultimate Cambodian Eco-Lodge in the Cardamom Rainforest

With its 13 Floating and Island Tents, Canvas & Orchids Retreat provides a guilt-free luxury hotel experience deep in the heart of the Cardamom mountains, one of Southeast Asia’s most important ecosystems. Well-appointed tents float peacefully on the tranquil Tatai River, with the only sounds piercing the night sky those emanating from the jungle surrounds - a once-in-a-lifetime experience in the beauty and splendor of the Cardamom Rainforest.

Things to do:

  • Tatai River Sunset Cruise (@4.30 p.m - 2-3 hours)Join us on our daily sunset cruise on the River Tatai to admire Cambodia’s bold, bright, and colourful sunset. It’s the perfect way to transition into evening and start your night with a spark of magic.
  • Dawn Jungle Trek (@7.00 a.m - 2-3 hours)Following an early morning coffee, we’ll venture into the rainforest and listen to the rainforest symphony on our dawn jungle trek. You’ll kayak upstream, then hike through the lush jungle, witnessing all the incredible flora and fauna that can be found there.
  • Greet the Neighbors "A Walk into the Khmers’ Life" (1-2 hours)We invites you to immerse yourself in the local culture with a walk into the life of the Khmer people on Koh Andet Island. Meet locals, view traditional Cambodian architecture, and see what it’s like to live a life on the river and in the jungle.
  • Tatai Waterfalls by boat (Full day @10.00 a.m - 5-6 hours)Visit the famous Tatai waterfall, also called Nature’s Spa, on a serene boat trip down the Tatai River. Be bold and climb the mighty rocks or simply relax to the sound of rushing water. A great way to refresh after a jungle hike.
  • Lost in the mangrove (Full day @10 AM - 6-7 hours)Another highlight of the area, prepare yourself for a full day of new experiences to explore the magrove forest. You will cruise towards the coast, deep into the mangroves, to experience the calmness and natural bounty of this watery paradise.

Cardamom Tented Camp - a one-stop-shop for all of your adventure dreams

Cardamom Tented Camp is a pioneering wildlife and nature conservation tourism project, striving to save the Botum Sakor National Park. Located in the heart of Cardamom forests, this eco-lodge offers nine luxurious safari-style glamping tents. The lodge aims to minimize the human footprint on the natural world and serve as a role model in promoting sustainable ecotourism practices within both the national park and Cambodia as a whole. From the foot of your door, you have the entire gamete of nature adventures waiting for you - trekking, wildlife & conservation, kayaking, etc.

Things to do:

  • TREKKER PACKAGE (3 DAYS 2 NIGHTS)Join a patrol with the Wildlife Alliance Rangers and go trekking through the dense Cambodian jungle along abandoned poaching and logging trails. Visit the Ranger Station where the confiscated equipment of poachers and loggers – including traps, improvised hunting rifles and even chainsaws – is on display. Then kayak down the Preak Tachan River, or take one of the self-guided hikes along our carefully selected trails and discover the rich diversity of flora and fauna and get a glimpse of macaques, gibbons, hornbills and other rare wildlife found in the Cardamom Mountains.
  • EXPLORER (4 DAYS 3 NIGHTS)Explore the Cardamom Mountains in remote Cambodia. As part of this package, you will have the option to accompany Forest Rangers on more adventurous patrols to the most remote parts of the national park. Go trekking through the jungle or kayak along the meandering waterways and get a glimpse of rare birds and other wildlife. You will also have more freedom to explore the surrounding evergreen forests, mangroves and river on your own or with one of our experienced guides.
  • JUNGLE CAMP PACKAGE (4 DAYS 3 NIGHTS)Stay at comfortable safari tent in the jungle and learning. Enjoy the wilderness sightings along with your trekking and visit ranger station. Sleeping in the tentsile tent in the jungle and delicious BBQ dinner. Designated tour guide will be accommodated in staff quarters and will eat with the Cardamom Tented Camp’s team. Enjoy the wilderness sightings. Picnic lunch provided on Day 2.
  • CARDAMOM BIRDWATCHER SUPPLEMENTARY PACKAGEThe Birdwatcher Package offers avid birders a Birding Program through the Cardamom Rainforest. Led by a specialist birding expert, the guide will accompany the group and help identify the various birds that we will see and hear.

Tours & Experiences in Koh Kong


Cardamom Adventure in Style

6 Days 5 Nights
Koh Kong
Recharge your body energy and empower your brilliant mind and soul with nature & wildlife in one of Asia’s biggest Cardamom rainforests.
Relax in the tranquility of the Tatai River – a once-in-a-lifetime glamping experience in the beauty and splendor of the Cardamom Rainforest.

Ultimate Cambodian Adventure

23 Days 22 Nights
Phnom Penh, Mondulkiri, Kratie, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Battambang, Koh Kong, Kampot/Kep, Sihanoukville
Embark on an ultimate journey of discovering the Wonders of Cambodia through the heart of Cambodia, a land of ancient temples, vibrant culture, wonderful nature & wildlife, and resilient people.